23 November 2023
Studio Pilates

Saying Goodbye To Surgery Thanks To Studio Pilates

Studio Pilates is so much more than just a workout and client testimonials like South Slopeโ€™s Xiomara Truong are proof. Having suffered with debilitating Scoliosis for 22 years, Xiomara was frustrated by relentless pain, overwhelming medication routines, ongoing Physical Therapy and the looming prospect of surgery, which sidelined her from many of lifeโ€™s simplest yet most enjoyable moments like carrying her children. Despite having tried many different forms of exercise to try and strengthen her core, the pain always returned.

In one last attempt to try and manage her pain holistically before turning to surgery, she discovered Studio Pilates South Slope, a convenient 2-minute walk from her apartment. From her very first class in April 2022, she was hooked and since then hasnโ€™t needed any medication or surgery to manage her pain and is now even able to give her 8-year-old a piggy back ride pain-free.

What was your main motivation/reason to sign up to the studio?
I went to see a back surgeon due to debilitating back pain and was told to consider spinal surgery to correct my 36 degree scoliosis curve. I wanted to try everything I could before going the surgical route, the surgeon suggested continuing physical therapy and to build my core strength. I continued to do as much physical therapy as my insurance would cover and looked for exercise classes. I found Studio Pilates South Slope and saw it was a 2-minute walk from my former apartment and I decided to try it out. Iโ€™ve been hooked ever since.

What was your previous history or experience like with exercise prior to Studio Pilates?
Iโ€™ve tried cross fit, personal trainers at the gym and numerous other fitness endeavors. I was looking for something that wouldnโ€™t exacerbate the back pain I experienced from scoliosis while still being able to help me build core strength. After a few months I would always feel discouraged by everything I tried because the back pain would always get in the way. Studio Pilates was kind to my body and I always felt supported by the instructors.

Did you have any existing injuries/hurdles to overcome?
I took a break when I got pregnant in July 2022. When I came back at 3 months postpartum I had pain in my right knee and felt overall weak. Within 1-2 months I felt almost back to my old self even though I still hadnโ€™t lost my pregnancy weight. I am able to lift my kids with ease and at almost 6 months postpartum my knee is almost back to normal while only doing Pilates.

How long have you been living with scoliosis and what has your treatment/management plan looked like?
Iโ€™ve been living with scoliosis for 22-years and would typically treat back pain with physical therapy, heat pads, back patches and prescription strength motrin 800mg.

How has Studio Pilates helped with your spine/scoliosis?
Ever since I started at Studio Pilates Iโ€™ve been free from back pain and have built enough core strength to carry my kids pain free. I havenโ€™t needed any medication for pain nor physical therapy.

Whatโ€™s one thing you never thought youโ€™d be able to do but now thanks to Studio Pilates you can?
I never thought I would ever be pain free. I donโ€™t need surgery or medication, I never thought I would reach this point in my life. Recently I was able to give my 8 year old a piggy back ride, something I was never able to do before even when she was younger.

Whatโ€™s one thing you would say to anyone who is looking to give SP a go?
Do it! I spent so much time being afraid to try something new thinking it would never work for me and I wish I wouldโ€™ve started sooner. Being able to be pain free has been absolutely life changing.

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